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Xponential 2024

22 – 25th April 2024

San Diego Convention Centre, CA

In-person event

Gotonomi’s™ lightweight integrated terminal Velaris 200 and modules will be making an appearance on our partner Viasat’s booth (#5213) at this year’s Xponential.

We are still on the lookout for flight partners, so come and meet the team to find out more about how you could use our miniaturised UAV communications system and our flight trial development kits.

XPONENTIAL is a yearly gathering of global leaders and end users in the uncrewed systems and robotics industry. Founded on the belief that cross-pollination drives innovation, it features opportunities to connect and problem-solve with experts across markets and domains.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with the Gotonomi team, please get in touch via our contact form or meet us on booth #5213. Hope to see you there!